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    The Importance Of Leveraging Data And Analytics To Improve Spend Management Performance

    December  22, 2023

    The market is getting fiercely competitive by the day. If companies intend to be resilient in the current state, they must introduce discipline across departments and functions. One can’t stress enough the criticality of maintaining healthy financial management. Businesses must have visibility into their spending at the organizational level. Splurging money without a proper spend management strategy in place can upset your cash flow and cripple your growth aspirations. You must leverage data and analytics to ensure you have the finances under control. With access to insights into your business expenses, you can make informed decisions ensure compliance, and stabilize your cash flow.

    Typically, spend management refers to the process of facilitating business transactions, and optimizing expenditures against your financial health. Using a spend management platform like XPNS will help you automate data captured across different units. XPNS will also help you uncover insights hiding in your vast datasets so that your leaders can make data-driven decisions.

    In this article, we will discuss the core tasks within your spend management approach that you can automate.

    Significance of spend management with the right data

    Comprehensive visibility into spending activities

    Tracking data and analytics allows companies to gain comprehensive visibility into their spends to ensure their expenditure is not upsetting the cash flow. Using a spend management solution like XPNS will give businesses the capability to harmonize data from different sources like invoices, purchase orders, and expense reports. Creating a centralized hub of information will facilitate real-time insights like spending patterns, department-wise expense behavior, and so on. Through advanced tracking, you can better manage your expenses and optimize spending across the organization.

    Greater control over finances

    With access to deeper insights and analytics, companies can make business-critical decisions driven by data instead of gut feeling. Data analytics allows companies to eliminate sentimentality from the equation and rely on hard evidence to manage finances efficiently. XPNS empowers companies with actionable insights and reports through analysis of historical expense data and trends, spending patterns, and outliers. Making informed decisions gives companies the power to implement spend management strategies that optimize spending, negotiate for better terms with vendors, and distribute resources for the desired results.

    Identification of cost-reduction opportunities

    With data and analytics, you can spin up your reports and generate real-time insights that can help in implementing vendor management strategies like cost optimization. XPNS helps you view your spending analytics based on the order value or expenditure. It will assist you in identifying vendors that you are spending more on, and negotiate discounts or better contract terms. Also, the insights will uncover irregularities like procuring products or services from two different suppliers. Instead, you get a bargain by going with one partner.

    Building resilient supply chain management

    Spend management analytics help you identify financial risks by highlighting potential instances of fraudulent activities. With XPNS, you can build a strong supply chain and procurement workflows using techniques like predictive modeling and anomaly detection to spot overbilling, duplicate payments, and other irregularities. Taking a proactive stance to identify and rectify suspicious activities will help you prevent financial damages and other losses.

    Maximize the value of data with XPNS

    In the current data-centric business landscape, businesses must harness the data to produce valuable insights and analytics that help you improve your spend management tactics. It will help you optimize your expenditure, make informed decisions, prevent fraud, and evaluate vendor performance. To execute this strategy efficiently, you must have a robust spend management solution like XPNS. It is a do-it-yourself expense management software that offers below features:

    • Accelerate expense processing with automated workflows
    • Enable prepaid facility for invoices to avoid delays
    • Proactively detect anomalies to prevent fraud
    • Control your expenses with real-time visibility

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